Monday, December 12, 2016

Wielage, Ryan

Book Review #2

Period 4

December 12, 2016

The Magician's Nephew

C. S. Lewis

Fiction & Fantasy

202 Pages

No Awards

                  In the novel, The Magician's Nephew, by C. S. Lewis, is about the journey of two children 

that live in London. There names are Digory and Polly. Digory's uncle is an inventor and he has 

created rings that can make someone go to another world and back. Digory's uncle tricks Polly into 

touching the ring and it teleports her to other other world and a few moments later Digory goes to 

other other world as well to save her. When they get there they seem to forget some things so they go 

off and wonder around. Doing so they accidentally awaken Queen Jadis, an evil queen that used a 

spell to kill everyone in the magical world except herself. She then demands Digory and Polly to her 

back to there world so she can conquer and take control over it. They then proceed and try to leave, 

but Queen Jadis comes along with them. She wreaks havoc around the town, but then Digory has a 

plan and defeats her with the help of Polly. They travel back to the other world with Queen Jadis, but 

they accidentally bring along Digory's uncle, a cabby, and a horse. They then witness the creation of 

Narnia through a powerful lion called Aslan. He gets angry because Digory brought back Queen 

Jadis and tells him to find an apple that will keep her isolated from the rest of Narnia. He finds this 

apple and plants it, in a few moments a garden appears and traps the evil queen. He goes back to his 

world and plants one of the apple seeds in his garden and later on it will become a device that will 

take you to Narnia and back.

                  I think this book was very good and I would recommend it to everyone to read. I would 

only not recommend it for someone to read if they didn't like fantasy books. The book makes you 

think about how there might be another world out there and we might not be the only living things in 

this universe. I also liked how it showed the bondage between Polly and Digory. At the beginning of 

it they kind of disliked each other and later on in the story became great friends. The one thing that I

really didn't like about this book was that when they get to the other world, the book got boring for

about a chapter, but then got back into action when Queen Jadis had gotten out. Thats what I liked

and disliked about the book, The Magician's Nephew, by C. S. Lewis.


  1. Great job on this book review! I like the concept of different dimensions because it makes me wonder if they actually exist. You should have explained more on how Polly and Digory defeated Queen Jadis. Other then that, this was a great review!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! The summary paragraph of the book was very captivating! I like the idea of a different world existing besides our universe. Do you know why Polly's uncle would trick his nephew into traveling into a new world? Did he just not like Polly or was he testing the ring out? This book reminds me of the other Chronicles of Narnia. The Chronicles of Narnia I have read always contain traveling into a whole new world by touching an inanimate object. Good job on your book review and keep up the good work!
