Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Book Review Kosta Prevas

Kosta Prevas
December 10, 2016
English Period 4
Book Review #2
Carl Hiaasen
292 pages
Newberry Award Winning Book

The novel Hoot is about a boy named Roy Eberhardt.  Roy moved all the time because his dad worked for the government and now they live in Florida.  He was used to Montana where it got cold but not Florida because it was always hot.  On the way to school his first morning he sees a boy outside the bus window with no shoes and no backpack but he was running away.  Since nobody else saw him he just thought that he was seeing images in his head.  A few days later he sees him again but this time he is being bullied so he punches him in the face breaks his nose and follows the boy running.  He runs into a big athletic girl when the bus stopped on his way out and she gets mad but Roy ran away.  He eventually catches the boy but he doesn’t tell Roy his name.  He says that they call him Mullet Fingers.  When Roy got to school the girl he ran into came and told him to watch where he goes next time.  One of Roy’s friends named Garrett told him that the girl was named Beatrice “The Bear” Leep.  She wasn’t friendly to anyone but her teammates but when Roy went to apologize she seemed friendly.  When Beatrice saw Roy chase the boy one day she told him to knock it off because it was her brother.  He was put in juvenile hall because his mother didn’t want him in the house but soon escaped.  He wasn’t attending school but instead he had a mission to complete.  There was a pancake house opening and the boy had spoiled their schedule painting a cop’s car black when he fell asleep, putting Alligators in a porta-poty, and putting highly poisonous snakes on the property to kill the watchdogs.  The purpose of all of this was because the pancake house was opening on a pack of owls.  They had no files that said that the company could bury the owl nests but they didn’t seem to care.  At the groundbreaking ceremony, Roy and his friends Beatrice, Garrett, and Mullet Fingers protested and said that there were owls under these grounds and they proved it because they had a picture of one of them.  They ended up canceling the opening of the pancake restaurant and the owls were safe.
            I really enjoyed this novel for a few reasons.  One was that it was always a mystery to see what Mullet Fingers would do.  It seemed like he was doing all these crimes out of love for the owls and knowing that he may get caught but he didn’t seem to care.  I also liked how involved Roy was with helping the boy out because he could’ve been caught too and he is the only child in his family.  This book surprised me because the pancake house didn’t even realize they were about to bulldoze owls living underground some with babies that couldn’t fly.  I didn’t like how the book went from two different point of views.  In one chapter, it was talking about Roy and his friends trying to figure out how to stop the pancake house.  Another was talking about the policemen and the manager of the company trying to stop the crimes taking place and to just build the pancake house.  I do recommend this book to others if you are ready to scoot forward in your seat because you are so into it.  There is always action taking place in this book no matter what page you are on.  This is I enjoyed this book and why I recommend it to others. 



  1. Great summary! The fact the book is about what a person or people would do to save animals made me love it. How Roy helped Mullet Fingers even if they could get caught shows real friendship. I would like to read it. Good job Kosta

  2. Wow! The summary of this book was compelling and hypnotic! I liked how you went into detail in your summary paragraph. Do you know why they call the boy Roy was chasing Mullet Fingers? Is it because he had hairy fingers? After reading your summary and response paragraph, I am now willing to pay $7.46 on eBay for this radical book. Keep up the good work Konstantinos Prevas!
