Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Psihalopoulos Stavros
December 10,2016
English, period 4
Book Review #2
The War Of The Worlds
By H.G. Wells
Pages 7-238
No Award

The Novel, “The War of the Worlds” is about Mars sending a burst of flames to earth. The flames are actually large cylinders and inside the cylinders were Martians coming to invade earth. The Martians looked like large squids with a V shape mouth, beak and have the ability of heat vision. Strange ships came with more Martians and more weapons. The news then spread across the country about the invasion. The invasion spread across the country. People fled in panic and ran for their lives. The armies can’t stop the invasion even with their weapons and bombs. The Martians then get destroyed by the earth’s bacteria in which they can not handle. On mars the Martians have no bacteria that will destroy them. After the invasion people were getting ready for the next possible attack.
    I enjoyed the Novel, “The War of the Worlds” because the setting of the book has a great war with the Martians against earth. It was also cool how the author made the Martians look like squids with beaks and a V shape mouth. I think the ending of the book was a surprise because I thought the people would make a special weapon to defeat the Martians but instead they died from the bacteria on earth that they couldn’t handle. I recommend this book if you are into fantasy war. This book can give you a feel, if you were in a war against aliens.


  1. this book was very interesting i like the end of the book because i did not think the people would be able to defeat the martians good job telling the story you gave a lot of detail

  2. This book summary was very well written and makes the book sound amazing. This book sounds like it has a lot of action. I love the fact that aliens come to attack Earth in a war for survival. I would love to read this book one day.
