Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hamati,  Marina
Book  Report  #1
English,  Period  3
November  2,  2016

Criss Cross
Lynne  Rae  Perkins
Young Adult Novel
337 Pages
Newberry Prize
Image result for criss cross by lynne rae perkins

            The  novel,  Criss  Cross,  by Lynne  Rae  Perkins,  is  about  five  friends,-  Lenny,  Debbie,  Phil,  Patty,  and  Hector-  but  is  mainly  is  about  the  two  main  characters,  Hector  and  Debbie.  They  are  two  fourteen  year  olds  who  wished  something  good  would  happen  and  felt  that  they  are  changing.  It begins  with  a  boy  named  Hector  going  with  his  sister,  Rowanne,  and  her  friends  to  a  coffee  house.  A  performer  went  on  a  stage  where  they  started  to  play  the  guitar. This  sparked  an  interest  for  Hector  that  made  him want  to  play  the  guitar  as  well.  His  parents  sent  him  to  guitar  lessons.  He  meets  a  girl  named  Meadow  and  a  boy named  Dan  Persik.  Hector forms a crush on Meadow,  but is  crushed  to see Dan  and Meadow holding  hands  at  a  fair.  Debbie  wishes  for  change  on  her necklace  constantly,  but  later  on she  loses  her necklace.  Hector  found  her  necklace later  on  at  a fair and  their  eyes  met.  Whenever  the  five  friends  have  free  times  they  go into  Lenny’s dad’s truck to  listen to  the  radio (to a radio show  called  Criss  Cross),  nobody  was  available  except  Debbie  and  Lenny,  so  Lenny  taught  Debbie  to  use  a  stick  shift.  Later on  Debbie  helps  an  old lady  Mrs.Bruning.  Mrs.Bruning’s  grandson (Peter) visits  his  grandmother  and  the  two  teens  met. Mrs.Bruning becomes  ill and  Debbie  drives  her  to  the  hospital.  Debbie  and  Peter  hung  out  for  a  while.  Soon after,  Peter leaves and is not able  to come  back.  Debbie became  morbid.  Later  on,  Debbie  and  Hector  go  to  a  fair  and  sing  songs  together.  Their  eyes  meet  and  their  paths  are  crossed.
              I  found  this  novel  quite  dull and  boring.  Although  I  like  the  messages  it  gives. The  plots  did  not  have  much  action  or  climax  because  most  of  the  problems  are  solved  in  the  end.  For  example,  Debbie  loses  her  necklace someone returns  it  to  her.  I  also  liked  how  close  the  friends  were.  It  reminds  me  of  my  friends  and  how  close  we  are.  The  quote,  “She  wished  something  would  happen.  Something  good.  To  her,” on  the  cover  makes  me  think  it  is  good  to  wish  and  hope,  but  better  to  accomplish  it.  I mostly  like  how  this  book  is  worded.  For  example,  on  page  95, “Finally,  Lenny  turn  the  key,  and  the  radio  became  the third  person…”  Some  parts  of  the  book  I  enjoyed,  but  the  rest  I did  not.  Depending  on  the  person  and  their  interests,  I  would  recommend  this  to some  people.


  1. Wow! Great work. I loved the story line, but the review made me question it. Your summary made me very interested in the book and if you wouldn't mind I would like to borrow your book sometime. I hope I will enjoy it. Like you said, " I would recommend this to some people." Overall amazing job on the book review it really helped.

  2. This story sounds great but thank you for saying the truth about it and how you felt because I now know I probably shouldn't buy it if it's dull and boring. amazing job!:D
