Monday, November 14, 2016

Book Review #1

Wielage, Ryan
Book Review #1
Period 4

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child

J.K. Rowling / Jack Thorne / John Tiffany


pages : 320

Awards : None

Paragraph #1

                  The novel, Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, by Jack Thorne, J.K Rowling, and John 

Tiffany, is a book that was based on a play in London. It starts off with Harry and his family, Ginny, 

Albus, Rose, and Harry Jr. They are at the train station getting prepared to go to Hogwarts, a school 

for witchcraft and wizardry. It is going to be Albus's and Rose's first year attending to Hogwarts 

school. Rose is very excited and happy to go to Hogwarts, but her brother Albus is scared and doesn't 

think he should go because he is afraid he might end up in a different house then his whole family has 

been in. There are four different houses, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Albus is 

afraid of this because he thinks instead of getting into Gryffindor, he might get into Slytherin instead. 

They get onto the train and soon they arrive at Hogwarts and they get to the main hall with the 

Sorting Hat and all the other students. The Sorting Hat assigns a particular person to the house they 

belong to. Rose is up first and she gets assigned to Gryffindor, her brother then out of the shock of 

everyone, is assigned to Slytherin. He later on becomes best friends with Scorpius Malfoy, Harry old 

arch-nemesis Draco Malfoy's son. A year later they come back to Hogwarts and there is a rumor 

spreading around about Scorpius Malfoy being the son of a Dark Lord. People were saying that they 

used a illegal object called the Time-Turner to take Scorpius mother back in time to Voldemort and 

have a baby, and supposedly the baby is Scorpius. Later on Albus and Scorpius come upon 

themselves a Time-Turner and try to figure out ways they can use it for good. They decide to use it to 

save Cedric Digory, a dead subject to Voldemort's wraith. They save him, but when they get back 

everything has changed. There is a new Hogwarts symbol, everyone is talking about Voldemort Day, 

and Scorpius has become known as the "king". He is called the "king" because because he is the 

"son" of Voldemort. A few weeks later Delphie, Cedric Digory's sister is corrupt and highly believes 

in Voldemort and tries to bring Voldemort back to life, but fails in doing so because of Scorpius and 

Paragraph #2

I thought this book was very interesting and entertaining throughout the whole book. It was always 

face paced and it was a kind of book where you were always in suspense of what would happen next 

and could almost never put down. One example I thought was the perfect one was when all the 

students were in the meeting hall and all the first years are getting sorted into their houses. You were 

just in suspense the whole time thinking what Albus's house would be, Gryffindor, the house his 

whole family has been in, or any other house. In the end Albus gets sorted into Slytherin and it was 

very shocking. Something I disliked in the book was not actually in the story, but in the format. 

Because it was based off a play the whole story is read like, Harry:......., next line, Albus:....... .

I also liked the ending because that brought a lot suspense in it as well. You didn't know if Delphie 

would bring Voldemort back to life or fail trying. I recommend other people reading this book 

because what I said in the beginning. It is very hard for you to get bored with the story and was interesting throughout.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I really enjoy the Harry Potter series but never read this book. Now after reading your review I may go and buy the book. I love how you described Harry's worry of not being in the Gryffindor. Good job.
