Sunday, July 24, 2016

8th Grade Blog Book Review

8th Grade Book Review Blog Part 1 & 2- Required Elements
1st Book Review Due 10/31/16
2nd Book Review Due 12/14/16
50 points each
Part I:
Directions: Read a fictional novel that is a Newbery Award or Honor book. Or you may read a fictional novel that is on the California Department of Education Suggested Reading List. You may also read a Classic Novel. Please okay all books with the teacher first for a small grade. The book you choose must be at least grade level and 100 pages. Teacher will evaluate your writing and analytical skills through out this assignment. Improving these skills will a major focus this academic year. You may NOT complete a book review on any books we have read together in class. You may NOT complete a book review on a book in which you’ve already written a book review for. Plagarism is strictly prohibited.

Assignment Format:
1.     Create your Critical Book Review on a full sheet of paper. You may use more than one page if necessary 2) Include the proper typed student heading on the top left corner. 3) You must use Times New Roman font, size 12. 4) Please double-space the paragraphs.  Indent each paragraph and have one-inch margins all around.

Book Information- Title page (please see example)
1.     Title (Make sure you capitalize properly, bold and italicize)
2.     Author
3.     Genre (Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, etc..)
4.     Number of pages
5.     Award Type: Please note the award/book type. (Newbery Award Winner, Newbery Award Honor, CA Suggested Reading list or Classic Novel).
6.     Picture of the book (cut and paste from internet)

1st Paragraph: Identify the book, author and summarize
            Using your own words and complete sentences, write a one paragraph summary of the book. Begin your summary paragraph using the following example phrase: The novel, Joe Goes to the Zoo, by Joe Cool, is about….. Include information in your summary from the beginning, the middle and the end of the book. Please include ONLY the most important details. DO NOT retell the entire story. Your summary should be 8-15 sentences long. You may include the ending of the book if you like, but it is optional. Please follow everything or points will be deducted.

2nd Paragraph: Please address the following questions in your second paragraph. Use complete sentences. Remember, you’re writing a very large paragraph of 10-15 sentences.
·      Describe some of the good things you liked about the book. Give a brief example from the book for EACH item you mention.
·      Describe some of the things that you didn’t like about the book or that could be improved? Give examples from the book. (This will be reviewed by the teacher).
·      How did you like the end of the book? EXPLAIN why or why not?
·      Would you recommend this book to other readers? EXPLAIN why or why not?